Orientation Counseling & Symbol Mastery:

This four-day training is open to students who have completed the Basic Davis Field Assignments. Its purpose is to refine counselor skills, and develop increased experiential understanding of dyslexic perception, thinking, learning style and process. It may be repeated to improve skills. It provides intensive supervised practice in small groups of the basic Davis Dyslexia Correction procedures.


Completion of  Gift of Dyslexia Workshop and Basic Davis Field Assignments

Academic Credit: (US & Canada Only): 5.5-6 quarter units undergraduate/graduate or CEU available. (Together with Basic Field Assignments)

Video Blog - Gift of Dyslexia® Workshop

Video Blog - Gift of Dyslexia® Workshop

Here's a chance to see the inside of a Davis Gift of Dyslexia workshop. Educator Subiratha Sivakumaran recently video-blogged her experiences as she attended her first Davis workshop at Malvern College in England. (December 2017)

Upcoming Practice Meetings: