Advanced Davis Methods Workshop -Online – US/Canada – 2024 I
Online (US Mountain Time) , United States5-Day Online Workshop: advanced Davis procedures, for students who have completed the Basic Supervised Practice Meeting.
Davis Method Events, Workshops, & Presentations
5-Day Online Workshop: advanced Davis procedures, for students who have completed the Basic Supervised Practice Meeting.
This 30 hour workshop is an introduction to the basic theories, principles and application of all the procedures described in Ronald Davis's internationally best-selling book, The Gift of Dyslexia, and […]
This 30 hour workshop is an introduction to the basic theories, principles and application of all the procedures described in Ronald Davis's internationally best-selling book, The Gift of Dyslexia, and […]
This two-day event will take place on 22-23 March, 2024. Daily timings: 9:00 a.m. — 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 — 5:00 p.m. Indian Standard Time (IST) Davis Learning Strategies® provide teachers […]
Dates and venue to be confirmed. Please email for more information. The Gift of Dyslexia Workshop is an introduction to the fundamental theories, principles and procedures of Davis Dyslexia Correction. […]
By the end of this workshop, you will have all of the tools and materials you need to take an individual through the Davis Life Concepts for Autism Program. You […]
ONLINE: This 4-DAY (30-hour) workshop is an introduction to the basic theories, principles and application of all the procedures described in The Gift of Dyslexia. Reserve space with $595 deposit; enroll before May 1 for advance payment discount.
Advanced Supervised Practice Meeting - Online This five-day course provides intensive supervision leading to mastery of the core Davis procedures; and further instruction in the logic, reasoning, and strategies underlying […]
This interactive workshop for primary (K-3) teachers and support personnel provides unique and innovative strategies for improving reading instruction and classroom management. ONLINE Zoom conferencing. A Davis Learning Strategies® workshop […]
Course? Think of it as six great sessions packed with tools and strategies that will help you support your children at home and/or learners in your classroom - the way […]
This interactive workshop for primary (K-3) teachers and support personnel provides unique and innovative strategies for improving reading instruction and classroom management. A Davis Learning Strategies® workshop gives teachers: A […]
This 5-day workshop is an introduction to the basic theories, principles and application of all the procedures described in Ronald Davis’s internationally best-selling book, The Gift of Dyslexia, and more. […]
This online training ensures professional standards of quality for providing 5-day Davis programs are fully developed and understood. Students work in groups of 3 (pods) under the supervision of a […]
Licensing Training Pod: This training ensures professional standards of quality for providing 5-day Davis programs are fully developed and understood. Students work in groups of 3 (pods) under the supervision […]
You can help a young child unlock their knowledge and capabilities with our specialized Davis Stepping Stones Workshop. This course has been tailored specifically for family members, educators and therapists […]
The Gift of Dyslexia Workshop is an introduction to the fundamental theories, principles and procedures of Davis Dyslexia Correction. These basic principles and methods form the foundation of the various […]
This 4-day (30 hour) workshop is an introduction to the basic theories, principles and application of all the procedures described in The Gift of Dyslexia. Training is done with a combination […]
The Davis Learning Strategies® workshop gives teachers: A set of learning strategies promoting self-regulating behaviors Visual-kinesthetic approaches matching children’s developmental levels Strategies challenging the needs of all learners within a […]
This online training ensures professional standards of quality for providing 5-day Davis programs are fully developed and understood. Students work in groups of 3 (pods) under the supervision of a […]
This online training ensures professional standards of quality for providing 5-day Davis programs are fully developed and understood. Students work in groups of 3 (pods) under the supervision of a […]
By the end of this workshop, you will have all of the tools and materials you need to take an individual through the Davis Life Concepts for Autism Program. You […]
Na Warsztacie Dar dysleksji poznasz sprawdzone sposoby pomagające dorosłym i dzieciom w poprawie czytania, ortografii, koordynacji ruchowej i skupienia uwagi. Dowiesz się jak myślą i postrzegają świat osoby z dysleksją, […]
This 5-day onlinecokrse is open to students who have completed the Basic Field Assignments. Its purpose is to refine counsellor skills, and develop increased experiential understanding of dyslexic perception, thinking, […]
Before the workshop, please watch THIS VIDEO about the Davis approach and the workshop. The Davis Mastery for Dyslexia Programme was developed by Ronald Davis to overcome his own learning difficulties. Davis […]
This interactive workshop for primary (K-3) teachers and support personnel provides unique and innovative strategies for improving reading instruction and classroom management. ONLINE Zoom conferencing. A Davis Learning Strategies® workshop […]
ONLINE: This 4-DAY (30-hour) workshop is an introduction to the basic theories, principles and application of all the procedures described in The Gift of Dyslexia. Reserve space with $595 deposit; enroll before May 1 for advance payment discount.
This four-day training is open to students who have completed the Basic Davis Field Assignments. Its purpose is to refine counselor skills, and develop increased experiential understanding of dyslexic perception, thinking, learning […]
Techniques for Math, Handwriting, Attention Difficulties, and Auditory Orientation: This 4-day workshop is open to persons who have successfully completed the Basic Supervised Practice Meeting. It provides specialized training in […]
This 5 ½ day online workshop is open to persons who have a Specialist recommendation after successfully completing the Basic Supervised Practice Meeting. It provides specialized training in advanced Davis […]
Basic Supervised Practice Meeting This five-day training is open to students who have completed the Basic Davis Field Assignments. Its purpose is to refine counselor skills, and develop increased experiential […]