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Davis Method Events, Workshops, & Presentations

Davis Learning Strategies – US/Canada – Online

Online (US Mountain Time) , United States

This interactive workshop for primary (K-3) teachers and support personnel provides unique and innovative strategies for improving reading instruction and classroom management. ONLINE Zoom conferencing. Workshop enrollment deadline is November 3, 2021. Enrollment is very limited for this online workshop register early! Davis Learning Strategies® provide teachers with: A set of learning strategies promoting self-regulating […]


Gift of Dyslexia Workshop–US-Canada-2022-January

Online (US Mountain Time) , United States

ONLINE: This 30 hour workshop is an introduction to the basic theories, principles and application of all the procedures described in The Gift of Dyslexia.

$300.00 – $1,175.00

Basic Practice Meeting – US/Canada -2022a

Online (US Mountain Time) , United States

Basic Supervised Practice Meeting This five-day training is open to students who have completed the Basic Davis Field Assignments. Its purpose is to refine counselor skills, and develop increased experiential understanding of dyslexic perception, thinking, learning style and process. It may be repeated to improve skills. It provides intensive supervised practice in small groups of […]

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